About the Report and materiality matrix
GRI 102-49, 102-50, 102-51, 102-52, 102-54
The 6th edition of BrasilAgro’s Sustainability Report was prepared in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards (Core option). The report’s previous edition was disclosed based on GRI’s G4 guidelines; in this sense, this report has been updated in accordance with the entity’s most recent standards. These are global standards, adopted voluntarily by many industries, and which guide companies all over the world in preparing sustainability reports, enabling data comparability. Coupled with that, this report presents Integrated Reporting concepts from the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC), offering an integrated and concise disclosure of information regarding six capitals: (I) financial, (II) manufactured, (III) intellectual, (IV) human, (V) social and relationship and (VI) natural.
This document presents BrasilAgro’s performance for the period of July 1, 2019 to June 30, 2020, providing management standards and quantitative indicators related to social and environmental, financial and corporate governance performance. The previous edition of BrasilAgro’s report was related to the 2018/2019 harvest year, and, therefore, the Company’s reporting cycle is annual.
How material topics were defined
GRI 102-40, 102-42, 102-43
The definition of material topics comprised the following steps:

1. Identification
Mapping topics that are material for the industry, through the analysis of sustainability indexes and ESG ratings, the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) materiality matrix, FTS4Good, MSCI, RobecoSAM and sector analysis.

2. Prioritization
Preliminary analysis of priority topics that were brought up from the use of weighting criteria and BrasilAgro’s most recent materiality matrix.

3. Stakeholder consultation
Consultation with internal and external stakeholders to validate the topics established in the previous step.

4. Validation
BrasilAgro’s materiality matrix has been validated by the Company’s senior management.
Materiality matrix
GRI 102-44, 102-46, 102-47

The table below shows the material topics, which resulted from the identification, prioritization, consultation with stakeholders and validation steps as described above:
Material topics | GRI Standards | Limits: where impacts occur |
Company’s compliance with environmental laws | Environmental compliance (307) | Environment and society |
Business performance | Economic performance (201), Market presence (202), Indirect economic impacts (203) | Employees, suppliers and investors |
Deforestation and land use | Biodiversity (304) | Society, environment and investors |
Water management | Water (303) | Environment, society and investors |
Environmental impacts | Materials (301), Energy (302), Emissions (305), Effluents and waste (306), Supplier environmental assessment (308) | Environment, society and investors |
Integrity and ethics | Anti-corruption (205) | Employees, customers, suppliers and society |
Agricultural production and optimization | Management approach (103) | Management of genetically modified organisms |
Occupational health and safety | Occupational health and safety (403) | Workforce and occupational health and safety |
Food security and food quality | Management approach (103) | Food security and food quality |