People management
GRI 102-7, 102-8, 202-2
The zeal for employees’ development and satisfaction is part of BrasilAgro’s strategy, in the ongoing pursuit of an improved organizational environment as well as the attraction, development and engagement of skilled professionals. In the 2019/2020 harvest year, the Company carried out activities to spread its culture and purpose: Responsibly-produced food.
In 2020, the Company had 431 employees, 85% of whom were men and 15% women. BrasilAgro offers internship and trainee programs. In 2020, the Company had 4 interns, 2 men and 2 women and it intends to hire 1 male intern, which means 25% of total interns.

Note: Data considers employees from BrasilAgro’s Paraguayan units. In the 2018/2019 harvest year, the Company had 33 employees in that country, being 5 women and 28 men. In the 2019/2020 harvest year, 36 employees worked in the Paraguayan units, 3 of whom are women and 33 are men.
Own employee breakdown by employment contract | Permanent contract | Temporary contract |
Men | 291 | 87 |
Women | 62 | 5 |
Total | 353 | 92 |
Note: All BrasilAgro’s employees work full-time.

In this report period, the Company created the Development Committee, comprised by its senior management, which has been responsible for reviewing and updating the human resources policies, including the Compensation Policy and the Education Incentive Program. The Human Resources staff has been trained on the business partner model, aimed at bringing a greater integration and connection between BrasilAgro’s business areas and people management practices. This format encourages a more strategic HR performance and value creation in the short-, mid- and long-term.
The recruitment and selection process has been restructured and, in a HR Retreat, Human Resources employees working at agricultural units have been trained to conduct selection processes on a local basis, and an onboarding procedure has been created for new employees, so that recently hired workers enjoy a good onboarding experience and engage faster with the Company. BrasilAgro has been awarded the Great Place to Work seal, endorsing the Company’s interest in employee well-being and promotion of a friendly work environment. This certificate commends the company for its commitment to improve processes and raise and develop people, who are the Company’s pillars.
Furthermore, BrasilAgro holds a skill assessment and leader mapping program, using the Nine Box methodology; a matrix that allows evaluating employees in two scopes: result-based performance and each employee’s potential. Historically, the Company encourages the outline of a career plan for its employees, enabling a job rotation routine, in addition to offering opportunities for employees to take on leadership positions.
A diagnosis based on Nine Box contributed to the creation of an individual plan, targeted at the needs of each BrasilAgro’s leader. In addition to individual plans, the initiative has pillars focused on all participants, offering training on self-knowledge, feedback to employees and emotional intelligence.
In this report period, leadership principles have been created and spread to guide the daily activities of the Company’s leaders, in line with its mission and purpose.
Leadership principles

Truth comes before harmony

Lead with humility

Engage people impacted by the decisions you make

Respect for individuals
Every two years, BrasilAgro conducts a corporate environment survey to assert employees’ perception about the Company’s environment. The last survey took place in the 2018/2019 harvest year and has identified the need to create more training programs. Compared to the previous edition, this survey identified that employees’ perception improved by 11 points in the consolidated score. The next survey will take place in the 2020/2021 harvest year.
Compensation and benefits
GRI 202-1
BrasilAgro offers its employees compensation and benefits in line with market practices, which are based on periodic research carried out by specialized consulting companies upon the Company’s request. In this report period, the lowest salary paid by the Company to female employees was 7% above the Brazilian minimum wage while the salary paid to male employees was 11% higher. In Paraguay, 100% of BrasilAgro’s employees are registered with the Social Security Agency (IPS) and with the Ministry of Labor; compensation paid to men and women was 14% and 29% higher than the Paraguayan minimum wage, respectively. It is important to note that in Paraguay paying the minimum wage for entry positions is usual, especially for agricultural activities, for laborers and assistants. Furthermore, the Company offers its employees a variable compensation, which includes the Employee Profit Sharing Program (PPR in Portuguese) – seeking to align the Company’s strategies to employee productivity – as well as individual goals, in order to favor higher compensation through meritocracy.
It is worth noting that the Company has entered into collective bargaining agreements with the trade unions representing its employees for the PPR payment. Through the program, all employees receive an annual bonus payment, with the purpose of strengthening a culture of participation, improving their performance and providing a more comprehensive view of the business.
In the 2019/2020 harvest year, the Company has also implemented the Long-Term Incentive Plan with Stock Options (ILPA in Portuguese) for BrasilAgro’s Board of Executive Officers and senior management, seeking to enhance executive officers’ commitment to achieving annual goals and results.
The Company also offers its own cafeterias, transportation, and housing on its production units. In addition to the afternoon snack and therapeutical massage, a workout incentive through partnership with Gympass (a platform that offers fitness classes) is offered to employees at the headquarters in São Paulo. On the other hand, the Medida Certa Program is carried out based on employees’ health diagnosis submitted by the health provider. In that sense, the Company offers lectures and promotes specific actions to discuss issues such as eye health, overweight and high blood pressure. During the coronavirus pandemic, one of the measures taken to care for the employees’ mental health was the creation of weekly therapy sessions, which contribute to self-knowledge, increased focus and, consequently, increased productivity. The Company provides health and dental insurance, life insurance, food and meal vouchers for all employees. In the 2019/2020 harvest year, the company implemented the electronic employee time clock system through a mobile phone app, which facilitates the management of working hours and overtime, fostering employee engagement and life quality. As a result of the app use, BrasilAgro recorded a 50% decrease in overtime.
Long-term Incentive Plan with Stock Options
- I – encourage the expansion, success and achievement of the Company’s goals;
- II – encourage participants to substantially work towards the Company’s success;
- III – align the interests of the Company’s shareholders to the plan’s participants;
- IV – offer the Company a competitive edge in the market when it comes to variable compensation;
- V – estimular a permanência e retenção dos principais executivos na Companhia por um longo período.
Training and Education
Through the Training Incentive Program, the Company offers its employees full or partial tuition scholarship for undergraduate and graduate courses. In addition to that, the Company promoted in-house initiatives to spread knowledge and train its staff. The Radio Raiz podcast has been launched in 2020, seeking to share knowledge through episodes released every two weeks and that discuss occupational health culture, the challenges in grain storage, irrigation and the environment, professional leadership and feedbacks. In this report period, BrasilAgro has also created Raiz do Saber, an online training platform, which offers health, safety, environmental and compliance courses, among others. The tool will be improved in the 2020/2021 harvest year, seeking to serve not only its employees but also their families.

Health and safety
GRI 403-1, 403-3, 403-4, 403-5, 403-6, 403-7, 403-8, 403-10

BrasilAgro’s Occupational Safety Committee is comprised by employees from different positions, such as officers, farm managers, coordinators, analysts and technicians whose role is to monitor, question, recommend and oversee occupational safety and hygiene procedures at the offices and operations, in line with the Integrated Health, Safety, Environment and Social Responsibility Policy, which establishes 10 basic principles that must be complied by all employees.
Every month, Committee members meet, with the participation of all local leaders and employees in charge of the occupational health department. Every two months, meetings that include all BrasilAgro’s farms are organized to define global guidelines to all units. BrasilAgro offers medical insurance to 100% of its employees hired in Brazil and Paraguay. Additionally, the Company has an annual medical control policy and offers first aid training.
In the 2019/2020 harvest year, the Occupational Health and Safety (SSO) department has carried out a program to change occupational safety culture, supported by an external consulting company. After conducting a diagnosis to map the level of maturity of the Company’s occupational safety processes, a training was offered to all farms’ leaders, including field managers and farm managers.
The Leader’s Journal was also created, for employees to keep a log of their safety-based daily routines. Monthly monitored by part of the SSO department, the Journal helps controlling established weekly deliveries, such as the behavior assessment and promoting dialog sessions with the teams to discuss safety concepts. As a means to engage leaderships, a gamification was conducted, resulting in a performance ranking of the farms that most encourage safety initiatives.
The program has also created three concepts that permeate the Company’s safety culture: ritual, symbols and heroes. The ritual has the purpose of calling attention to the daily practices in compliance with safety rules, such as training for specific positions, use of PPEs, examination and investigation of breaches. On the other hand, symbols strengthen visual communication, notices and alerts, stressing and strengthening the need to be careful about safety, while heroes are the engaged employees who can be allies in the spread of safety concepts and guidelines.
Furthermore, trainings are offered at all units and, every year, the Internal Accident Prevention for Rural Workers Week (SIPATR) is organized, and it is an opportunity for all employees to be trained on health, safety and environment. In the 2019/2020 harvest year, the Company also conducted first aid trainings and fire drills. At all farms, an occupational safety technician monitors and directs employees on PPEs use, unsafe actions and internal procedures. Moreover, all of our own employees go through annual medical examination.
In the 2019/2020 harvest year, the Company’s DART rate (Days Away, Restricted or Transferred) was 4.11. Severity rate stood at 201.92, considering accidents with our own and outsourced employees. The increase in those rates shows us that we need to focus and devote all efforts in changing the Company’s safety culture. For such purpose, we have been working on a plan to train outsourced/partner leaders in safety, as well as the program to monitor behaviors and the risk and danger matrix.
Occupational safety culture transformation program

Mapping the maturity of the Company’s safety processes.

Train leaders in all farms.

Spread the safety program to all employees, based on established concepts: ritual, symbols and heroes.

A new step of mapping the maturity of the Company’s safety procedures to define a strategy for the coming cycles.
Integrated Health, Safety, Environment and Social Responsibility Policy

Work-related ill health | Brazil | Paraguay |
Number and rate of work-related fatalities | 0 | 0 |
Number of mandatory reporting work-related ill health | 1 | 0 |
The occurrence reported above resulted in the employee’s leave and the reasons for the accident have been investigated. We discovered that the main reason was the use of an inadequate tool for a specific job, hence, there was no risk or danger in the workplace but an unsafe behavior. For the unsafe behavior not to happen again, as well as to eliminate danger and minimize risks, an action plan has been developed after the investigation, with the creation of a procedure, working guidelines and check list to establish the adequate tool for that activity. Work perils and risks are duly identified, assessed and rely on mitigation and control measurement proposals, whether through the Environmental Risk Prevention Plan (PPRA), the Occupational Health Medical Control Program (PCMSO) or the Ergonomic Analysis (AET).