Governance structure

Structure on 06/30/2020.

It is incumbent upon the Board of Directors:

(I) to define the business strategy, taking into account the impact of BrasilAgro’s activities on society and the environment, seeking the Company’s perpetuity and long-term value creation;

(II) to periodically assess the Company’s risk exposure and the efficacy of its risk management system, internal controls and the integrity/compliance system, as well as to approve a risk management policy aligned to the business strategies;

(III) to establish the Company’s ethical values and principles, and to oversee the maintenance of the transparency of its relationship with all stakeholders;

(IV) to review the corporate governance system every year, aiming to improve it.

BrasilAgro is working on a policy that will set out the appointment of Board of Directors members, in order to ensure diversity of knowledge, experience, behaviors, cultural aspects, age and gender of the Directors. The policy will comply with the Novo Mercado listing rules, which require said rule to apply as from the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting that resolves on the financial statements for the 2022 fiscal year.

Board of Directors 
CompositionAt least 5 and at most 9 sitting members
At least 20% of independent directors
Election and term of office10/16/2019 - 2 years
Meetings held in the period8
Attendance percentage1
Total members in the period9 sitting members
Independent directors4 sitting members
AgeYoungest: 39
Average: 55
Oldest: 74
By gender92% men and 8% women
Evaluation of the Board of DirectorsAnnual

Director Position AgeGenderIndependent directorExperience
Eduardo S. ElsztainChairman60MNoReal estate sector
Agricultural sector
Alejandro G. ElsztainDirector54MNoReal estate sector
Agricultural sector
Saul ZangDirector74MNoLegal sector
Carlos María BloussonDirector56MNoAgricultural sector
Alejandro Gustavo CasarettoDirector67MNoAgricultural sector
Isaac Selim SuttonDirector59MYesFinancial sector
João de Almeida Sampaio FilhoDirector54MYesAgricultural sector
Bruno MagalhãesDirector46MYesFinancial sector
Camilo MarcantonioDirector39MYesFinancial sector
Ricardo de Santos FreitasAlternate Director53MYesFinancial sector
Carolina ZangAlternate Director47WNoLegal sector
Gastón Armando LernoudAlternate Director52MYesLegal sector

The duties of BrasilAgro’s Board of Executive Officers comprise:

(I) enforce the risk management policy and, whenever necessary, suggest to the Board occasional needs to review this policy, due to changes in the risks to which the Company is exposed;

(II) implement and maintain efficient mechanisms, processes and programs to monitor and disclose the financial and operational performance as well as the impacts of the Company’s activities on society and the environment.

The Board of Executive Officers’ compensation is linked to results, with mid- and long-term goals, connected to the generation of economic value to the Company in a clear and objective fashion. The Board is evaluated every year based on the verified achievement of financial and non-financial performance goals determined by BrasilAgro’s Board of Directors. The Company is going through the process of formalizing the evaluation, with effectiveness expected for the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting that resolves on the financial statements for the fiscal year 2022.

Board of Executive Officers 
Composition3 Officers, 2 of whom are statutory officers
Election and term of office 10/21/2019 - 1 year
Total members in the period3
AgeYoungest: 42
Average: 46
Oldest: 52
By gender67% men and 33% women
Evaluation Annual

Officer Position AgeGenderExperience
André GuillaumonCEO and Operations Officer45MAgricultural sector
Gustavo Javier LopezAdministrative Officer and IRO52MFinancial sector
Mariana RezendeLegal and Compliance Officer*42WLegal sector

*Non-Statutory Officer.