Supplements to GRI standards
GRI 102-3
BrasilAgro is headquartered at the following address: Avenida Brigadeiro Faria Lima, 1.309, 5º floor – São Paulo (SP) – 01452-002 – Brazil
GRI 102-8

GRI 102-13
BrasilAgro’s Chief Executive Officer, André Guillaumon, is a member of the Agribusiness Board (COSAG) of the Federation of Industries of the State of São Paulo and its Legal Officer is a sitting member of the Special Agribusiness and Agriculture Relations Commission of the Brazilian Bar Association – São Paulo Branch (OAB-SP) and the Committee on Rules and Regulations of Brazilian Rural Society (SRB).
GRI 102-41
17% of the Company’s own employees in Brazil are represented by collective bargaining agreements. In Paraguay, collective barging agreements are not celebrated and there is no need to join unions. All BrasilAgro’s own employees in Paraguay have a formal and direct relationship with an outsourced company, via Paraguay’s Social Security Agency (IPS).
GRI 302-1
Energy consumption | 2018/2019 Harvest year | 2019/2020 Harvest year |
Electricity (KWh) | 2,468,824.36 | 3,017,211.02 |
Generator (diesel liter) | 163,972.91 | 176,247.90 |
Generator (diesel liter) -irrigation | 520,349.66 | 522,308.15 |
GRI 304-1
Farm | Type of Operation | Crop | City (State) | Size of operational unit (hectare) | Location of the operational unit in relation to protected areas |
Arrojadinho | Own | Grains and cattle raising | Jaborandi (BA) | 16.642 | Distance: around 2.5 km from Refúgio da Vida Silvestre das Veredas do Oeste Baiano |
Jatobá | Leased to third parties | Grains (leasing) | Jaborandi (BA) | 14.931 | Distance: around 16 km from Refúgio da Vida Silvestre das Veredas do Oeste Baiano |
Chaparral | Own | Grains and cotton | Correntina (BA) | 37.183 | Distance: around 35 km from Refúgio da Vida Silvestre das Veredas do Oeste Baiano |
Rio do Meio | Own | Grains and cattle raising | Correntina (BA) | 12.288 | Distance: around 70 km from Refúgio da Vida Silvestre das Veredas do Oeste Baiano |
Preferência | Own | Cattle Raising | Baianópolis (BA) | 17.799 | Distance: around 35 km from Cristópolis National Forest |
Araucária | Own | Sugarcane and grains | Mineiros (GO) | 5.526 | Distance: around 4 km from Parque Nacional das Emas |
Alto Taquari | Own | Sugarcane and grains | Alto Taquar (MT) | 5.104 | Distance: around 1.5 km from Ribeirão do Sapo e Rio Araguaia Area of Environmental Protection |
Alto Taquari | Partnership | Sugarcane and grains | Alto Taquari (MT) | 5.624 | Part of the property is located in the Ribeirão do Sapo e Rio Araguaia Area of Environmental Protection |
Xingu | Partnership | Grains | São Félix do Araguaia (MT) | 17.15 | Distance: around 4 km from Parque do Xingu |
São José | Own | Sugarcane and grains | São Raimundo das Mangabeiras (MA) | 17.566 | Next to Parque Estadual do Mirador |
São José | Partnership | Sugarcane and grains | São Raimundo das Mangabeiras (MA) | 15 | Next to Parque Estadual do Mirador |
Avarandado | Partnership | Grains | Ribeiro Gonçalves (PI) | 7.5 | Distance: around 100 Km from Estação Ecológica de Uruçuí-Una |
Serra Grande | Own | Grains | Baixa Grande do Ribeiro (PI) | 4.489 | Distance: around 25 Km from Estação Ecológica de Uruçuí-Una |
Serra Grande | Partnership | Grains | Baixa Grande do Ribeiro (PI) | 5.473 | Distance: around 25 Km from Estação Ecológica de Uruçuí-Una |
Nova Buriti | Own | - | Bonitos de Minas and Cônego Marinho (MG) | 24.212 | Next to Parque Estadual Veredas do Peruaçu and inside Cochá Gibão Area of Environmental Protection and Veredas do Peruaçu Area of Environmental Protection |
Morotí (Paraguay) | Own | Grains and pastures | Boquerón | 59.585 | Next to Reserva de Biosfera del Chaco |
GRI 307-1
Despite all the Company’s risk management and mitigation measures, the legal and oversight mechanism adopted in some locations where the company operates prevents it from ensuring there will be no environmental notices. It is expected that the Company undertakes ongoing suits from recently acquired properties and companies. Therefore, except for infractions arising from the merger of Agrifirma, there has been no environmental sanctions, of monetary value or not, in the report period, but there are some in progress.